Dr. Bennett Ramberg (Ph.D. International Relations Johns Hopkins, J.D. UCLA Law School) is a nationally recognized expert on nuclear weapons proliferation, terrorism and international politics. Over the years, he has been a foreign policy analyst and/or consultant to the Department of State (Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs), U.S. Senate, Nuclear Control Institute, Henry Stimson Center, Global Green and Committee to Bridge the Gap. His academic appointments have included positions at Princeton, Stanford, and UCLA.
Dr. Ramberg has published six books on international security issues and is best known for the classic treatment of the vulnerability of nuclear power plants to military attack and terrorist sabotage, Nuclear Power Plants as Weapons for the Enemy. His journal publications have appeared in Foreign Affairs, The New Republic, Washington Quarterly, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Political Science Quarterly, Journal of Conflict Resolution, and others. He has authored over one hundred Op-eds for every major print and web-based outlet in the United States (for example, the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal) and many abroad on subjects ranging from Israel-Palestine, North Korea, Syria, South Sudan, Kashmir, Iran, Iraq, Kosovo as well as presidential war powers, US grand strategy, civil war, nuclear weapons, responsibiity to protect and many more areas of inquiry.
In business Dr. Ramberg has been involved as a strategist in companies involved in computer software, energy efficiency (in Russia and Ukraine) and 3-D display technology.
Currently Dr. Ramberg is a Los Angeles-based writer, foreign policy consultant and businessman. He also directs the Global Security Seminar which brings together foreign policy experts residing in Los Angeles for monthly dinner meetings at the UCLA Faculty Center.