
K. Kerry Ayazi
CACLO, HRC Fertility


Education, Society & Culture
Los Angeles, CA
United States

Kerry Ayazi holds an undergraduate degree from the University of California, Irvine, and a Juris Doctor from Rutgers University School of Law with added certifications in international and comparative law, enterprise risk management, and business ethics. Ms. Ayazi is currently CACLO (Chief Administrative, Compliance and Legal Officer) with a renowned healthcare system providing world-class healthcare, reproductive care, science, and innovations. Previously, she was General Counsel, Senior Vice-President and Compliance Officer at the Southern California affiliate system of a national nonprofit, advocating social justice, reproductive justice, healthcare access, equity and inclusion. Ms. Ayazi serves and has served on several nonprofit, charitable, and academic boards and governing bodies, and worked with several institutions advancing charitable, educational, community, welfare, and social justice causes. Ms. Ayazi is also an avid supporter of children's welfare, animal welfare, the arts, and social and health equity across spectrums.

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